In light of the current events that have happened due to the spread of Covid-19, we ask that students and models please adhere to the following guidelines to reduce the risk of spreading the virus and maintain client and staff safety within the salon. We appreciate your understanding:

  • Please wear a face visor to your course. These will be available to purchase for £5 if you do not have one. Gloves and disposable apron will be supplied where required.
  • Your model can also wear/purchase a visor.Alternatively, if they are present for a short time, they can wear a mask.
  • Please complete the Covid-19 questionnaire 24 hours prior to your course. This will be emailed to you. Your model will also need to complete this.
  • Please reschedule if you feel you have any symptoms or have a fever and feel unwell.
  • Please come alone to your course.Students theory will be at the beginning of the course for approx. 1 hour. Your model can wait in our garden area, in your car, or at a local café until required. Or arrive separately 1 hour after the course start time.
  • Please refrain from bringing excess personal items, such as shopping, large bags, unrequired coats to your appointment.
  • Please bring a non- cash payment method where possible. Card or bank transfer preferred.Please wash and sanitise your hands upon arrival.
  • Please refrain from using your phone during your course, unless urgent.
  • Please wait outside or in your car until your course time as you are not able to wait in the salon. Use the buzzer and staff will let you in at your course time.
  • If you decide to have a lunch break, this must be taken in the garden area, your car, local café or outside the salon. You will not be able to have a break within the venue for the time being. 

We have made a few changes to the way we operate to maximise safety within the salon.

  • All staff will only work if they are well ands howing no signs of illness
  • Additional Personal ProtectiveEquipment (PPE) will be used as required and following government guidelines.Visors, gloves and aprons will be worn by staff during your course. The use of screens is also implemented on nail tables and reception.
  • Treatment spaces have been altered to allow a 2metre space between other clients
  • Towels for hand drying have been replaced with paper towels.
  • Hand sanitiser and hand washing facilities are readily available throughout the salon.
  • Hand sanitiser and hand washingfacilities are readily available throughout the salon.
  • Until further notice we will not be offering students or models refreshments during their appointment. Please bring your own.
  • The salon will be cleaned and checked regularly throughout the day.
  • Staff have taken additional training during lockdown relating to Covid-19 and salon hygiene and safety tomaximise the safety to all.

We will continue to follow good working practices that werein place prior to the Covid-19 outbreak. This includes maintaining good salonhygiene on worktops, door handles, tools, equipment and using disposables whererequired. These guidelines must be followed until further notice.